GPS가 탑재된 라이카 V-Lux 20이 아이폰의 패션 IT아이템으로!
요즘 스마트폰 카메라 성능들이 양호해져서 디카 판매량도 줄어들지 않았을까요?
디카와 폰을 비교 할 수는 없겠지만...,
라이카가 폰케이스라도 만들어 매출에 보탬하려고 하는건 아닐런지...^^
Leica V-Lux 20: The iPhone Protective Case
The Leica V-Lux 20 is the ideal camera for on-the-got It’s user-friendly and especially handy – qualities it shares with the iPhone. In one respect though the Leica leaves the iPhone far behind; although the same size, it takes much better pictures. As a give-away for trade visitors, protective cases were produced that made iPhones look like a Leica V-Lux 20, They enabled people to experience immediately the handy size of the camera.
Advertising Agency: Y&R, Zurich, Switzerland
Chief Creative Officer: Markus Gut
Creative Director: Martin Stulz
Copywriter: Marietta Mügge
Art Director: Benny Goldstein
Designers: Joelle Hauser, Sarah Paul