"휴대폼"에서 1개의 글을 찾았습니다.

  1. 2011.06.10 맥도날드가 꽁짜?

결로방지! 곰팡이방지!는 에코홈탄성코트 365일 뽀송뽀송한 우리집 시공문의 : 010-8677-1704

맥도날드가 꽁짜?


단!!! 30초 동안 광고판과의 게임에서 이기면 휴대폰으로 쿠폰 직접 쏴 줍니다.
스웨덴에서 진행된 캠페인입니다. 정말 Big인터렉티브 광고네요!

McDonald's Brilliant Interactive Billboard Campain

We thought we had seen every type of app and interactive billboard campaign under the sun until we came across this brilliant one from Mcdonald’s that the company ran in Sweden recently. The concept is a simple one in that users get to control the billboard and turn it in to a personal game. By completing the game in 30 seconds win coupons for free food in the nearest Mcdonald’s restaurant.

What is especially interesting about this technology is that you don’t actually have to download an app, which normally causes quite a big barrier to entry. Instead the phone picks up your location and you can join the game via a website address. Not only is this some of the most interactive and engaging marketing that we have seen in some time but it also drives people into the Mcdonald’s restaurants to redeem their coupons. It’s interesting to see more and more campaigns combining mobile and billboards and it’s a trend that we will probably see accelerating over the coming years. Hats off to Mcdonald’s on a great campaign…